Using attribute Id how to get attribute label in magento 2.1. example :

         [93] => 30
         [188] => 26
         [189] => 15

3 Answers 3


Use below code:

public function __construct(
    \Magento\Eav\Model\Config $eavConfig,
    array $data = []
) {
    $this->_eavConfig = $eavConfig;

$attributeObj = $this->_eavConfig->getAttribute($entityType, $code);

For example:

$attributeObj = $this->_eavConfig->getAttribute('catalog_product', 30);
$_product = $this->objectManager->get('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product')->load($product_id);

$attributes = $product->getAttributes();

foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
     label => __($attribute->getStoreLabel()),
     'value' => $value, //attribute Value
     'code' => $attribute->getAttributeCode(), //attribute Code

If looking for Option Text from OptionId:

$optionId = 30;
$attribute = $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('design_color');
if ($attribute->usesSource()) {
    $optionText = $attribute->getSource()->getOptionText($optionId);

If looking for attribute Label from attribute Code:


NOTE: Inject objectManager from contructor, Direct Use of ObjectManager is not allowed as per Magento

  • hi @Ronak my attribute id=93 so how to get attribute label? Commented Dec 13, 2017 at 9:15

Try to use bellow code

namespace Namespace\Modulename\Helper;

* Class Helper Data
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)
class Data extends \Magento\Framework\App\Helper\AbstractHelper
    protected $eavConfig;

    public function __construct(
        \Magento\Eav\Model\Config $eavConfig
        $this->eavConfig = $eavConfig;

    // pass Attribute Code and Option Value
    public function getAttributeOptionLabel($attributeCode, $optionValue){
        $attribute = $this->eavConfig->getAttribute('catalog_product', $attributeCode);
        $options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions();
        $key = array_search($optionValue, array_column($options, 'value'));
        return strtolower($options[$key]['label']); 

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