How to add 2 or 3 text fields inline at the admin configuration of Magento 2?
As I checked everywhere, I am able to add text fields one by one.
How Can I do this as my admin config fields look like below
On your module, in etc/adminhtml/system.xml you can add this group config
<group id="group_id" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0" showInStore="0">
<label>Your Label</label>
<field id="your_field_id" translate="label comment" type="text" sortOrder="4" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
<label>Your Field Label</label>
then in [Vendor]/[Module]/Block/Adminhtml/Form/Renderer/Config/TextFieldsConfig.php add the following code
namespace [Vendor]\[Module]\Block\Adminhtml\Form\Renderer\Config;
use Magento\Config\Block\System\Config\Form\Field;
use Magento\Framework\Data\Form\Element\AbstractElement;
class TextFieldsConfig extends Field
* @param AbstractElement $element
* @return string
protected function _getElementHtml(AbstractElement $element) {
$element->setStyle('width:70px;margin-right: 20px;')->setName($element->getName() . '[]');
if ($element->getValue()) {
$values = explode(',', $element->getValue());
} else {
$values = [];
$field1 = $element->setValue(isset($values[0]) ? $values[0] : null)->getElementHtml();
$field2 = $element->setValue(isset($values[1]) ? $values[1] : null)->getElementHtml();
$field3 = $element->setValue(isset($values[1]) ? $values[1] : null)->getElementHtml();
return '<div style="float: left;">' . $field1 . '<p class="note"><span>' . __('Your Label 1') . '</span></p></div>'
. '<div style="float: left;">' . $field2 . '<p class="note"><span>' . __('Your Label 2') . '</span></p></div>'
. '<div style="float: left;">' . $field3 . '<p class="note"><span>' . __('Your Label 3') . '</span></p></div>';
you can add as many fields as you need this way
If you want only time field
for your configuration then you can use type time
in your configuration.
<field id="time" translate="label" type="time" sortOrder="3" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
<label>Start Time</label>
On the backend It looks like this,
tag so it's not possible by code. You can do it by css.