I'm trying to execute the following Method with the Observer in my Magento module. But it isn't working and I don't know why.
This is my config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- START: Add to cart actions -->
And the observer
class TimgMage_CustomAddToCart_Model_Observer
public function checkoutCartProductAddAfter(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
Mage::log('Entered to checkoutCartProductAddAfter.', null, 'timgmage.log');
/* @var $item Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item */
$item = $observer->getQuoteItem();
if ($item->getParentItem()) {
$item = $item->getParentItem();
// Discounted 25% off
$percentDiscount = 0.25;
// This makes sure the discount isn't applied over and over when refreshing
$specialPrice = $item->getOriginalPrice() - ($item->getOriginalPrice() * $percentDiscount);
// Make sure we don't have a negative
if ($specialPrice > 0) {
Please anybody can help me.