Is it possible to create new custom layered navigation on left sidebar? I want to display custom store and after clicking on store I would like to display products on right side column .
1 Answer
Yes, it is possible to add any custom filter at categories pages. For this you need to craete a layout file inside your Module : app/code/MODULE_NAMESPACE/MODULE_NAME/view/frontend/layout/catalog_category_view.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" layout="2columns-left" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceContainer name="sidebar.additional">
Now create phtml file inside app/code/MODULE_NAMESPACE/MODULE_NAME/view/frontend/templates/YOURPHTMLFILE.phtml and Block file app/code/MODULE_NAMESPACE/MODULE_NAME/Block/YOUR_BLOCKNAME.php inside with your custom code.
For showing your custom collection rewrite Block Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ListProduct this can be done as below: app/code/MODULE_NAMESPACE/MODULE_NAME/etc/di.xml
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<preference for="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ListProduct" type="MODULE_NAMESPACE\MODULE_NAME\Product\ListProduct" />
class ListProduct extends Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ListProduct
protected function _getProductCollection()
* customize the default code
your are rockstar man!! After clicking how I can get data on right column? any suggestions or solutions? Commented Aug 27, 2017 at 6:14