I'm trying to edit the View Cart Page, my theme has ab image block on the page that I'm trying to edit but I can't figure out which file I need to edit.

more information

when something is added to the cart, and you click to view it before paying there is a block that has discount codes and grand total. in my theme to there is a promo image that I'm trying to change but I'm not sure which file to change. I checked it in firebug and the section lights up seems to be called

  • Can You Provide More infromation @New2Magento Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 5:39
  • sorry when something is added to the cart, and you click to view it before paying there is a block that has discount codes and grand total. in my theme to there is a promo image that I'm trying to change but I'm not sure which file to change. I checked it in firebug and the section lights up seems to be called <body class=" checkout-cart-index"> Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 10:10

2 Answers 2


You give us little informations but if want the path of checkout cart page, you follow this one:



It is possible that a block is displayed in this page cart page but when you go in this page you don't find explicitly the information that you need, that said the this information can be stored as block often declared in xml ! I don't know exactly What you are looking for but check also in the layout local.xml and the xml extension if you have.

  • sorry when something is added to the cart, and you click to view it before paying there is a block that has discount codes and grand total. in my theme to there is a promo image that I'm trying to change but I'm not sure which file to change. I checked it in firebug and the section lights up seems to be called <body class=" checkout-cart-index"> Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 10:09
  • no checkout-cart-index is couter class of the page, try to check in the files after app/design/frontend/{namePackageHere}/{ThemeNameHere}/template/checkout/cart/... totals.phtml , coupon.phtml, ... i can't give you an exact file with the few informations that you provided
    – PЯINCƎ
    Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 13:16
  • here is a screen shot of the section imgur.com/a/6irnZ Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 14:01
  • I see, this image is not in natif magento block, please look this tuto http://support.magerewards.com/article/1534-how-do-i-turn-on-template-path-hints to find the path hint of your image block.
    – PЯINCƎ
    Commented Aug 16, 2017 at 16:06

You can find out the exact block that is being used by turning on template path hints

Go to SYSTEM - CONFIGURATION then change the Current Configuration Scope to be Website or View (anything lower level than Default Config will work) and then go to the ADVANCED - Developer tab and choose DEBUG - here turn on Template Path Hints setting to yes (also Add Block Names to Hints if you want that info). Flush cache if cache is enabled and visit the checkout page.

You will be able to see the exact file you need to edit and path details.

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