I was working on shipping method to remove some method based on product attribute. I've used preference for shipping model class \Magento\Shipping\Model\Shipping

this is code of that class.

public function collectCarrierRates($carrierCode, $request)

        $carrier = $this->_carrierFactory->createIfActive($carrierCode, $request->getStoreId());
        if (!$carrier) {
            return $this;

        //unset other method if cart has speific product attribute
            return $this;

        $result = $carrier->checkAvailableShipCountries($request);
        if (false !== $result && !$result instanceof \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\RateResult\Error) {
            $result = $carrier->proccessAdditionalValidation($request);
         * Result will be false if the admin set not to show the shipping module
         * if the delivery country is not within specific countries
        if (false !== $result) {
            if (!$result instanceof \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Address\RateResult\Error) {
                if ($carrier->getConfigData('shipment_requesttype')) {
                    $packages = $this->composePackagesForCarrier($carrier, $request);
                    if (!empty($packages)) {
                        $sumResults = [];
                        foreach ($packages as $weight => $packageCount) {
                            $result = $carrier->collectRates($request);
                            if (!$result) {
                                return $this;
                            } else {
                            $sumResults[] = $result;
                        if (!empty($sumResults) && count($sumResults) > 1) {
                            $result = [];
                            foreach ($sumResults as $res) {
                                if (empty($result)) {
                                    $result = $res;
                                foreach ($res->getAllRates() as $method) {
                                    foreach ($result->getAllRates() as $resultMethod) {
                                        if ($method->getMethod() == $resultMethod->getMethod()) {
                                            $resultMethod->setPrice($method->getPrice() + $resultMethod->getPrice());
                    } else {
                        $result = $carrier->collectRates($request);
                } else {
                    $result = $carrier->collectRates($request);
                if (!$result) {
                    return $this;
            if ($carrier->getConfigData('showmethod') == 0 && $result->getError()) {
                return $this;
            // sort rates by price
            if (method_exists($result, 'sortRatesByPrice') && is_callable([$result, 'sortRatesByPrice'])) {
        return $this;

I'm trying to get product info here, but I am not able to get it. Anybody has idea how to get it?

1 Answer 1


Try following way:

if ($request->getAllItems()) {
    foreach ($request->getAllItems() as $item) {

For more detail

  • Great. I dont know why but it was not works when i used same. strange but its work now
    – Kul
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 5:59

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