I am sending my magento store data to mobile application through soap request. I am having issue with multi currency. To mange the multi currency in android manging conversion through javascript.
My store support GBP , USD and Euro. Base currency is USD. Now when i switch currency to GBP in mobile it will convert the price correctly and send response to magento with my currency code and quote id for cart.
in request i am getting Quote Id and Currency code.
How can i set the GBP instead of the USD in quote?
i did try to set the currency using following code BUT it gets overwritten to USD not processing with GBP.
$write_connection = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
$fields_arr = array();
$fields_arr['quote_currency_code'] = $code;
$where = $write_connection ->quoteInto('entity_id =?', $shoppingcartid);
$write_connection->update('sales_flat_quote', $fields_arr, $where);
Above code will set quote_currency_code currency in db for that quote id.
Need help to set the currency for quote programmatically.