I want to set default meta title for product page,category page and for cms page. If I'm not setttin title in admin panel I want to set my default title. But I don't know how to make this. I try override getMetaTitle but this does not work for all titles, if I set title in panel admin too.

Do you have any hints?

2 Answers 2





public function setMetaTitle(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $head = $observer->getLayout()->getBlock('head');
                $head->setTitle('< default title for category >');
            else if(Mage::registry('current_product')) 
                $head->setTitle('< default title for product >');
            else if($this->getRequest()->getModuleName()=='cms')
                $head->setTitle('< default title for cms >');
  • Thanks, this works! Now I need get this product and this category. I want to set title current product name, or category name. Any hints?
    – Miuzik
    Commented Apr 5, 2017 at 9:47
  • Ok, I find this. I must getName from Mage::register('current_product').
    – Miuzik
    Commented Apr 5, 2017 at 10:11
  • Yes @Miuzik if you find this answer helpful then mark it as accepted to close the question Commented Apr 5, 2017 at 10:29
  • I have another problem. When I set default title in panel admin this observer not change titles.
    – Miuzik
    Commented Apr 5, 2017 at 11:42
  • first check what you are getting in $head->getTitle() for title not added from admin. May be its not blank @Miuzik Commented Apr 5, 2017 at 12:13

I change method, now is ok. Thanks for help!

public function setMetaTitle(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
    $head = $observer->getLayout()->getBlock('head');

        if($category = Mage::registry('current_category'))
            if($category->getMetaTitle() == '') {
                $title = $category->getName();

        else if($product = Mage::registry('current_product'))
            if($product->getMetaTitle() == '') {
                $collectionName = $product->getCollectionName();
                $productName = $product->getName();
                $title = $productName . ' ' . $collectionName;

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