I am creating a custom module,
at the end of which I am redirecting it to checkout cart url.
Here is my code, of the index class of custom module.
namespace Neo\Pincode\Controller\Index;
class Index extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action
protected $_logger;
protected $_responseFactory;
protected $_messageManager;
protected $_scopeConfig;
protected $_urlInterface;
public function __construct(
\Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context,// Context injection
\Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig, // ScopeConfig injection
\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger //log injection
) {
$this->_resultFactory = $context->getResultFactory();
$this->_scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
$this->_logger = $logger;
$this->_messageManager = $context->getMessageManager();
public function execute()
$isValid = 0;
$availablePincodes = $this->_scopeConfig->getValue('pincode_section/pincode_group/pincode_field', \Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE);
$pincodes = explode(",",$availablePincodes);
$userPincode = $this->getRequest()->getParam('pincode');
foreach ($pincodes as $key => $value) {
$this->_messageManager->addSuccess("Delivery available for above area");
$this->_messageManager->addError("Delivery not available for above area");
$resultRedirect = $this->_resultFactory->create(ResultFactory::TYPE_REDIRECT);
return $resultRedirect;
When this method is excecuted, then at the execution of last line, this error occurs,
Source class "\Neo\Pincode\Controller\Index\Result" for "Neo\Pincode\Controller\Index\ResultFactory" generation does not exist.
I think it is some dependency injection conflict.
Please help, to get out from the issue.