i'm create Catalog Price Rules Programmatically it's work fine.

The issue is, I need to login with admin and click button "Apply Rules" other wise discount is not apply in magento store. So I need "Apply Rules" programmatically and I try bellow code but its not work.

  $catalogPriceRule = Mage::getModel('catalogrule/rule');
} catch (Exception $e) {
  echo $e;

enter image description here

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.

1 Answer 1


Use this for particular rule

$rule = Mage::getModel('catalogrule/rule')->load(1);

    $rule->save(); //save the rule

    $rule->applyAll(); //apply all the rules 

And for all rules

$rule = Mage::getModel('catalogrule/rule');

    $rule->save(); //save the rule

    $rule->applyAll(); //apply all the rules  

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