I am trying to provide the custom attribute in sort-by, when am trying to fetching the products list order by custom attribute those are not in Ascending order.

  if ($attribute == 'paidship') {
        //$dir = 'ASC';
        if (isset($this->_joinFields[$attribute])) {

            $this->getSelect()->order($this->_getAttributeFieldName($attribute) . ' ' . $dir,'e.name'.$dir);


My custom attribute is "paidship", i want fetch them in first in Ascending order and remaining products should display after those products and those are also be in Ascending order

1 Answer 1


You can add custom attribute to sort the collection as follows:

  • Sorry, i am writing script for addAttributeToSort if (isset($this->_joinFields[$attribute])) { $this->getSelect()->order($this->_getAttributeFieldName($attribute) . ' ' . $dir); return $this; } return $this; } elseif($attribute == 'is_saleable'){ $this->getSelect()->order("is_saleable " . $dir); return $this; }
    – Ramesh
    Commented Nov 21, 2016 at 11:01

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