In magento1.9.2.4 when I created multiple select
attribute with options and images for those options are placed in skin/frontend/<my_package>/<my_theme>/images/
and called the attribute in list.phtml
$Feature = explode(",",$_product->getResource()
foreach($Feature as $key => $value): ?>
<?php echo "<img src='".Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_SKIN)."frontend/<package_name>/<theme_name>/images/".$value.".png'/>"; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Now only the first image of the option is displaying. Other images are broken. When I Inspected the element in browser there was space before the image name. am not able to figure out the mistake. Kindly help me please.
Also when the image is clicked it should redirect to the respective product details page.