I've developed a module that sends some product pages to a product customization wizard. I've used getProductUrl()
to change the links to point to the customization URL.
I now want to use the original URL, but serve up the content of the new URL.
I want this only to happen for products that use my customization module. The logic for this already exists in getProductUrl()
. My question is where can I put this logic?
I've tried to send the product route to my module. I've put the route for products in my config.xml as is. This doesn't reroute it, nor would I expect it to. (extraneous information left out).
I've put in the controller I've wished to use, but it serves a 404.
I've also tried putting it inside of my namespace like so. It gives the original product page.
Even if this did work, if it wasn't a customization wizard product, how would I serve the original route?
How can I serve a different page to my customization wizard products?