I have a configurable product from which I am trying to get reviews
* Product view template
* @see Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View
* @see Mage_Review_Block_Product_View
$_product = $this->getProduct();
I need ratings in a group count of 5 star, 4 star, 3 star, 2 star and 1 star. like this
I have done the following, by going through this link (check @sinclairfr's post), which is giving me complete html of ratings related to the product.
<?php $zoo = new Mage_Rating_Block_Entity_Detailed(); ?>
<?php echo $zoo->toHtml(); ?>
and also this
$review = Mage::getModel('review/review');
$collection = $review->getProductCollection();
->addFieldToFilter('product_id', $_product->getId());
By going through this link
still no use