I have the product name with html tags so written simple script to updated the product name below code i have used for update.

$product_collection = Mage::getModel("catalog/product")->getCollection();

foreach ($product_collection as $product) {
   $sku = $product->getSku();

   $simple_product = '';
   $simple_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->loadByAttribute('sku', $sku);
   if($simple_product != ''){

      $name = $simple_product->getName();
      if($name != strip_tags($name)) {

after that i did the reindex by shall command and cleared the cache.

Now my product names are clear without html tag in frond end like (product list , product view ,search ) all pages looks good. But when i go to admin panel

catalog->Manage Products

I have a product name with html tag so i am bit confusing here so please kindly clarify what's going on here. Also let me know wh

1 Answer 1


You may have multi store view /multiple website at your system.In magento,product can be set multiple name basic of multiple store views/multiple websites.

As you have Mage::app(); that means you initialized the default store.So it is take data from default store.

In admin at each product,there have left panel Current scope from there you can view/edit store wise attribute value

  • Hi Amit, Thanks for the answer, But my application does not have multi store i have only one store "base" store with two language like English, French, As you said i have changed two language but still i am getting product name with html tag in two languages. But now i found that in frond end i have change into french i am getting product name with html tag. Please could you give me any suggestion to complete this. If i get french product name and again run the this script is useful to fix the issue please suggest me.
    – Srihari
    Commented Mar 31, 2016 at 9:15

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