I want to test file uploading function in my module, but i stuck with limitation of is_uploaded_file and move_uploaded_file over CLI.
Trying to emulate user uploading files actions by crafting custom $_FILES array:
class Company_Module_Test_Helper_CompanyHelperTests extends EcomDev_PHPUnit_Test_Case {
public function uploadProductImagesTest() {
$_FILES = array(
but when i debug, i see that move_uploaded_file in Varien_File_Uploader->_moveFile() function just return false.
I found solution to use custom namespace and override move_uploaded_file and is_uploaded_file function but when i tried to add custom namespace in test class the test won't run:
namespace CustomTest;
class Company_Module_Test_Helper_CompanyHelperTests extends \EcomDev_PHPUnit_Test_Case {
Need some advice in this case, maybe it is possible somehow ? Thanks