The goal of a module I'm currently developing is to add a custom image type called "opengraph_image". I added a new EAV attribute though my InstallData.php script which works fine. When I now login into the Magento2 backend and alter a product I can choose the image type "opengraph_image" while uploading or editing product images.
However, on the frontend I would like to display this image. Therefore I created a etc/view.xml file in my module with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<view xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Esites_SEO:etc/custom.xsd">
<images module="Magento_Catalog">
<image id="opengraph_image" type="opengraph_image">
But now I get the following error:
Invalid XML in file /var/www/html/vhosts/magento2/app/code/Esites/SEO/etc/view.xml:
Element 'image', attribute 'type': [facet 'enumeration'] The value 'opengraph_image' is not an element of the set {'thumbnail', 'small_image', 'image', 'swatch_image', 'swatch_thumb'}.
Line: 5
Element 'image', attribute 'type': 'opengraph_image' is not a valid value of the local atomic type.
Line: 5
The reason is it doesn't seem to load my custom.xsd located in: app/code/Esites/SEO/etc/custom.xsd
where I define the opengraph_image. Instead it seems to just load it's default XSD file: vendor/magento/framework/Config/etc/view.xsd
The content of my custom.xsd is a copy (for testing purposes) of this original view.xsd where I added the following on line 75:
<xs:enumeration value="opengraph_image"/>
The frontend does work without errors if I include the line above in the original view.xsd file. I followed the documentation on: and my paths are build according to the information on that page. Cache is cleared multiple times.
What am I missing?