I want to add a COOKIE with value and some duration, how to do it in magento 2.


2 Answers 2


IMO the best approach would be to create a class to wrap the cookie creation and then just use it where you want.

The Cookie Class



namespace Vendor\Module\Cookie;

use Magento\Framework\Stdlib\CookieManagerInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Stdlib\Cookie\CookieMetadataFactory;
use Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManagerInterface;

class Example
     * Name of cookie that holds private content version
    const COOKIE_NAME = 'example';

     * CookieManager
     * @var CookieManagerInterface
    private $cookieManager;

     * @var CookieMetadataFactory
    private $cookieMetadataFactory;

     * @var SessionManagerInterface
    private $sessionManager;

     * @param CookieManagerInterface $cookieManager
     * @param CookieMetadataFactory $cookieMetadataFactory
     * @param SessionManagerInterface $sessionManager
    public function __construct(
        CookieManagerInterface $cookieManager,
        CookieMetadataFactory $cookieMetadataFactory,
        SessionManagerInterface $sessionManager
    ) {
        $this->cookieManager = $cookieManager;
        $this->cookieMetadataFactory = $cookieMetadataFactory;
        $this->sessionManager = $sessionManager;

     * Get form key cookie
     * @return string
    public function get()
        return $this->cookieManager->getCookie(self::COOKIE_NAME);

     * @param string $value
     * @param int $duration
     * @return void
    public function set($value, $duration = 86400)
        $metadata = $this->cookieMetadataFactory


     * @return void
    public function delete()
        $metadata = $this->cookieMetadataFactory


This example was based on Magento\Framework\App\PageCache\FormKey and represent a single cookie with name "example"

If you want to add some custom properties to the $metadata (PublicCookieMetadata) as change the path,http_only, etc you should refactor the set() and/or delete() method(s).

How to use it

You can access that class simply using the Object Manager in almost anywhere (Ugly Approach):

$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
    ->set('value', 3600);

Depending "where" you need to create the cookie you can take a look at the constructor of your class maybe you already have an Object manager there, if not you can also inject it in the constructor.

  • @J. John, Hey! i juts saw that you accept the answer while i've been editing it, just take a look now, because i made several changes in order to simplify the implementation. Commented Feb 3, 2016 at 6:03
  • 3
    I've to edit createCookieMetaData() to createPublicCookieMetadata() in set method to resolve the error (fatal error). Smart approach though!
    – R T
    Commented Apr 12, 2016 at 10:39
  • what's the difference between Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManagerInterface used by you and Magento\Framework\Session\Config\ConfigInterface used in Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManager?
    – LucScu
    Commented Jun 1, 2016 at 8:17
  • @MauroNigrele function call in set and delete method should be createPublicCookieMetadata instead of createCookieMetadata
    – Shivam
    Commented Jun 9, 2016 at 6:24
  • 1
    Guys. I've proposed changes because $this->createPublicCookieMetadata() doesn't exist in this class. It should be $this->cookieMetadataFactory->createPublicCookieMetadata() See in magento repo. But I've get 2 rejects. LOL...
    – spiilmusic
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 11:10

You can set & get cookie using php basic function like this:

//set cookie
$cookie_name = "magento";
$cookie_value = "How to Cookie";
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time()+3600); /* expire in 1 hour */

//get cookie
if(!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) {
    echo "Cookie named '" . $cookie_name . "' is not set!";
} else {
    echo "Cookie '" . $cookie_name . "' is set!<br>";
    echo "Value is: " . $_COOKIE[$cookie_name];

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