I want to remove (or hide) the delete option from the product listing mass action in the Admin section. I cannot find the correct way to do this.
This shows how to hack the core files which is not very useful
This shows you how to add to the ui component
The file Catalog/view/adminhtml/ui_component/product_listing.xml
is what I would like to override/edit. I have created the custom module and can add to the ui component but I cannot simply remove the option in Module/ModuleName/view/adminhtml/ui_component/product_listing.xml
So what am I missing? I have tried simply removing the option in the custom module after copying all of the XML over but that obviously did nothing. How do I Customize the options?
<massaction name="listing_massaction"
<action name="delete">
<message translate="true">Delete selected items?</message>
<title translate="true">Delete items</title>
<url path="catalog/product/massDelete"/>
<label translate="true">Delete</label>
<action name="status">
<label translate="true">Change status</label>
<action name="0">
<label translate="true">Enable</label>
<url path="catalog/product/massStatus">
<param name="status">1</param>
<action name="1">
<label translate="true">Disable</label>
<url path="catalog/product/massStatus">
<param name="status">2</param>
<action name="attributes">
<url path="catalog/product_action_attribute/edit"/>
<label translate="true">Update attributes</label>