Please helpI took steps according to resolve this: I article but the newly created a new Tab for my module inlink displays the admin panel (next to System). But it redirects to a"text block" on the front page-end instead of backend page. I need it to display a backend page where I will create a grid filter,etcback-end.
Here is the config file code:
<productcomments module="Cpstest_ProductComments">
<module_name before="Mage_Adminhtml">Cpstest_ProductComments_Adminhtml</module_name>
<backend_menu translate="title" module="productcomments">
<title>CPS Product Comments</title>
<first_page module="productcomments">
<title>Product Comments</title>
And here is my controller file function:
public function indexAction()
//create a text block with the name of "example-block"
$block = $this->getLayout()
->createBlock('core/text', 'example-block')
->setText('<h1>This is a text block</h1>');
I'm using this article and it's taking to a backend page in his example:
Can anyone help me understand what's the problem? Greatly appreciate your help guys!