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think you.And a new question.After I writed \Magento\Shipping\Model\Tracking\Result\StatusFactory $trackStatusFactory $this->trackStatusFactory in my __construct(){} my website is die.Said Exception #0 (Magento\Framework\Exception\RuntimeException): Type Error occurred when creating object: Forkel\CustomShipping\Model\Carrier\Custom What's worng with my code.I'm a new coder for magento2 ,many thing is difficult. Thank you again.
Think you for your answer. I think your code can help me tu send email with TrackingUrl.But I dont't know how to add this url.And I'm trying to add tracking message in web when customer open tracking information page.I can useing track id to visit my shipping carrier Api to get shipping log.So ,may be you can tell me how to get carrierCode in \vendor\magento\module-shipping\view\frontend\templates\tracking\details.phtml or \vendor\magento\module-shipping\view\frontend\templates\tracking\popup.phtml.Think you for your help.