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magento 1.9 open adminhtml menu external link in new browser tab

I need to add a link in the admin menu to an external web that opens in a new browser tab.

So I developed a module, and this is its config.xml

        <customer translate="title" module="customer">
            <!-- action>adminhtml/customer/</action -->
                <crmlink translate="title" module="crmlink">
                    <title>CRM link</title>

And then, there is a controller:

class MySpace_Crmlink_IndexController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
    public function indexAction()

It is working fine, the link is displayed under customer menu, and it works, I'm redirected to the external page, but I need to open it in a ned browser tab, and I can't do it from the controller.

Is there a way to open the external link in a new tab as a target="_blank"? I don't see a way to do it from the xml.

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