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How to create Mouseover Shopping Cart Icon in right header?

GOAL: Add a SHOPPING CART ICON to Magento 1.8.1 - Ideal Cart will look like this: And contain the features such as # of items, mouseover to show items, etc. To Clarify ...
JasonC91's user avatar
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Create link in cart sidebar to view all added items After limit reached

I have set my cart sidebar to show only 2 items that have been added to the basket through the admin panel, what I want to be able to do is create a link if more than 2 items have been added, so if a ...
Duggy G's user avatar
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When getting current cart from an external file, it's empty [closed]

I searched and was unable to find anything. I've tried many solutions such as: How to get all items in cart currently? as far as I can tell it should work in Magento 1.8. I've tried Mage::getModel('...
browndesk965's user avatar
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Change into a theme Top link (login my wishlist check out My account). But My cart creates separate link.

I just use Magento top.links function. but it will display all link Like Myaccont,My wishlist,Mycart,checkout,login. but i want create sepate link OF mycart i can display anywhere in my header. Can ...
coder's user avatar
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How to get product Tax details in cart without customer login

I am using magento 1.8. I have some issue when customer say checkout. I have listed all the items with details QTY, PRICE, DISCOUNT TAX TOTAL PRICE etc. I am unable to show the TAX $products = Mage:...
Charlie's user avatar
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Limit client number of products order

How can I limit the client to only buy 4 products per month. For example I have product A, B, C, D and E. The costumer makes an order and puts in the cart product A,B and C. In the same month the ...
user3497472's user avatar
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customize cart view with product bundle options

I want to remove/modify the string that I get in the cart view inside the table (s. picture) In my shop it says "1 x optionname €10.00" for example. I want to delete the "1 x" I also recognized, that ...
user3432078's user avatar
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Send email to customer from shopping cart

Hi I need some help I like to have one button in shopping cart that when it will be clicked it will send all products that are added in shopping cart with any email like new order email can this be ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to add multiple product to magento cart from outside of magento?

I have to add multiple items into magento cart from out side of magento (external website), through /path/to/app/checkout/cart/add?product=[id]&qty=[qty] this method I can add one product to the ...
Nived's user avatar
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