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Magento 2.4.7-p3 no such entity with cartId =

Suddenly started this strange and I can't figure out what is going on. Exception log is having every hour 3-4 errors in every minute like this: 2024-11-19T15:04:31.199036+00:00] main.CRITICAL: Magento\...
G. G.'s user avatar
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Redis connection errors (session handling)

I am using Redis cache for session storage in my Magento 2.4.3-p2 based store. The app/etc/env.php setting looks like 'session' => [ 'save' => 'redis', 'redis' => [ 'host' =&...
MagePsycho's user avatar
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First session add to cart action empties cart / clears session

I'm running an Nginx sandwiched Varnish backed magento 2.3.6 shop in development mode, set up like: Frontend nginx port 443, varnish port 80, backend nginx port 8080, plus redis for session cache. ...
RGS's user avatar
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Export sessions data from files to REDIS

We are moving from single server to multiple server setup for our store. The problem is that we are using file cache type and we want to preserve those sessions (long expiration, per management ...
Gunardi Wu's user avatar
3 votes
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Redis Session Error: Successfully broke lock for ID sess_ebfc12b22fa8c8e1fb81dca122fcdda6 after 5.01422 seconds

I am using Redis to store sessions and getting the error: [2019-11-26 09:51:32] main.INFO: ip-10-0-0-78|28852: Successfully broke lock for ID sess_ebfc12b22fa8c8e1fb81dca122fcdda6 after 5.01422 ...
Ahsan Horani's user avatar
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502 when customer signed in but not in customer account section

Using Redis and Cm_RedisSession module to store sessions, I'm seeing a 502 Bad Gateway error when a customer is signed in (but not when they are in the customer account section). The php error was ...
eddhall's user avatar
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500 PHP error on Mage:getSingleton('admin/session') after separating admin and frontend servers

Working with Magento CE v1.9.2.3 with Redis Doing development for a website that makes use of a separate frontend and admin server in their production environment. I'm attempting to deploy TaxJar and ...
sparecycle's user avatar
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Can't clear home page cache

I've recently switched from memcache to redis to handle the cache and session storage. All has gone well except I can't flush the cache for the home page. Template updates won't show and sessions ...
alexwatever's user avatar
9 votes
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Session lock after using Cm_RedisSession

We switched to Redis as Session Storage with the default Cm_RedisSession Module from Magento After the deployment a lot of Customers experienced very long page load times ( > 20-30 Sec.). For ...
Pawel's user avatar
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How to configure Redis Session Storage?

I have successfully managed to configure page caching by Redis on my Magento 2 store but Session Storage doesn't appear to be working. I have used this code :
bondimedical's user avatar
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Session table growing after switch to redis

We recently switched our sessions to REDIS and we noticed that our session table in the database is growing and is now 15gb Here is my config <session_save><![CDATA[db]]></...
brentwpeterson's user avatar
8 votes
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Very long time for Mage_Core_Model_Session_Abstract_Varien::start

We are using Magento EE and are seeing very long times for Mage_Core_Model_Session_Abstract_Varien::start method. We tried using Memcached and Redis for session storage both with the same ...
TheBlaze's user avatar
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Magento CE cache mounted to ram? [closed]

Ive done alot of reading that mounting var/sessions and var/cache to ram will give a performance boost. However would this still be beneficial if I am using SSD?
ronrony288's user avatar
10 votes
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Magento session storage: Redis vs. Memcached

I'm running a Magento EE 1.12.2 (equally in CE 1.7.2) where we have Redis for caching (Cm_Cache extension, Redis v 2.2.12), but we use Memcache for session storage. Redis is not supported out of the ...
7ochem's user avatar
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Magento writing to tmp/magento directory

The site started throwing exceptions on both the front & backend. After disabling redis, memcached & the full page cache and reverting to using files for sessions, the site seems to function ...
Moose's user avatar
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Switching back to MySQL sessions after using Redis sessions

I'm having an issue with my site. We were using Redis sessions, but after some issues with latency we've decided to switch back to MySQL sessions. The app/etc/local.xml file used to look something ...
Steve Robbins's user avatar