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How to Manage API Authentication Lifecycle on Mobile Devices? Magento2

Every hour regeneration of token and after that login again every hour is not logical for Mobile Application. Then how Magento manages user login data and authentication in Mobile application,...
Aditya Shah's user avatar
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Getting "oauth_problem=Consumer+key+has+expired" Error in Magento 2 Auth 1.0

I am getting "oauth_problem=Consumer+key+has+expired" auth 1.0 in Magento2. Please see below screenshot: Anyone solved this, please help!
Chandra Kumar's user avatar
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Connecting to Magento Rest API by python

I'm new to Magento API and actually a python programmer, there are some APIs I should connect to them through Rest and I stick to the first step of authentication with OAuth for getting access tokens ...
aLoneStrider's user avatar
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Cannot Create OAuth Consumer

I am trying to set up OAuth access to an API for a site running All of the Magento instructions say: You can register your application by selecting System > Web Services > REST - OAuth ...
Josh's user avatar
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Magento2 soap/rest api for third-party consumer

I'm trying to create a webservice client for Magento2 api. I would like to know whether Magento2 supports oauth2 or oauth1.0. Could someone clarify if Magento2 SOAP API also requires oauth process?
deepa's user avatar
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What would be authorization endpoint for oauth in magento 2

I am trying to build an api that delivers magento resources to a third party and for that I am using oauth for authentication purpose. On the third-party side the application asks for a authorization ...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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Magento 2: Successful oAuth/Integration Flow

Does anyone have or know of working PHP code to complete an oAuth API integration request flow? I've gotten past the activation step, and my application has the following information [...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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Get Customer Login into Magento1.9.x mobile app using REST api

I have a magento website and I am trying to make a android app for it. I have configured the oauth authentication to consume magento rest api and also tested it with postman. Till now everything is ...
Asheem Patro's user avatar
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Magento's REST API responses claiming oauth_callback param is empty

Working with Magento CE 1.9. I'm attempting to make use of Magento's API however I keep running into the same error in my response: oauth_problem=parameter_absent&oauth_parameters_absent=...
sparecycle's user avatar
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Consumer is not authorized to access %resources REST API

I use MAGENTO 2 REST API in MobileFIrst project (Worcklight) in my adapter : function _retrieve(token) { if (!token) return { 'isSuccessful': false, 'errorMsg' : 'params is ' + params}; ...
Gommez's user avatar
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Authorization failed during category creation using REST API

I am playing with magento 2 Rest API to add category in magento admin. I am writing below code, but showing "401 Unauthorized" and showing message Consumer is not authorized to access %resources ...
Rahul Anand's user avatar
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How to create oauth_signature for OAuth-based authentication using Magento 2.0 REST API

How do I create an oauth_signature for OAuth-based authentication in Magento 2.0 REST API requests? Assuming I use PHP's hash_hmac: hash_hmac ( 'sha1' , $string , 'Integrations-Consumer-Secret' ); I'...
GuyC's user avatar
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How to create REST API in Magento 2?

i'm new to Magento 2, i am assigned to create a HTML search form which take input as a CustomerID and return the Customer info associated with that CustomerID, using oAuth and REST API. I have no ...
Luan Tran's user avatar
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Client Side OAuth

So I'm trying to make a SPA that uses Magento as its back office. To do this, I would like to use its REST API. And of course, it forces you to OAuth with Magento first. I have tried ...
Christian Grabowski's user avatar
8 votes
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REST api call for Guest user

Developing android native application using scribe library, and uses Rest based web services from existing Magento based eCommerce platform. I have got prerequisite requirement like 'Key' and 'Secret'...
user3136050's user avatar
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Rest Api- get sales orders with authorizing only once

I have another website as admin panel which connects with magento store to fetch orders/products etc. I don't want to authorize every time I call the Api. I want the system will ask me for ...
Tanjil's user avatar
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Invalid Signature when testing API

I am trying to connect to my Magento API but keep getting an invalid signature response after authorizing. My long term goal is to have an external app that will be modifying select product details. ...
tylersDisplayName's user avatar
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How to call localhost/magento/oauth/initiate?

I am trying to call the above url to initiate the oauth tokens. I am following the below link Can u tell me what s the ...
Sundar's user avatar
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Not able to get OAuth token for Magento Rest API Client

I am using Magento version and server running on my mac and trying to use Magento Rest APIs using OAuth Integration. I have a consumer key and consumer secret. Now, I want to get OAuth token ...
Bhavna Gupta's user avatar
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Using Magento API(REST) via IXMLHTTPRequest COM Object

We have downloaded Magento Community Edition ver and installed it in XAMPP ( PHP Version 5.5.15 ). Also we have included "php_oauth.dll" in php.ini and copied file(dll) to PHP/ext directory. ...
IIG81's user avatar
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Access Pre-Authorized Rest API

I'm trying to call Magento REST API with pre authorized access token, I thought it would be easy but for some reason i cant get it to work, i mean i have the four components required, the consumerKey, ...
Yehia A.Salam's user avatar
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OAuth for REST API using PHP

I'm looking for a working example of a PHP script for authentication using OAuth. I have followed the testing instructions here ( ...
user2636834's user avatar
8 votes
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Getting started with Magento REST API

So the official documentation is very terse (bad!), particularly for someone who hasn't worked with REST/Oauth in the past. I'm using Magento 1.8.1 CE. Can somebody provide a simple PHP example of ...
user2636834's user avatar
5 votes
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Magento REST API: What populates the api2_acl_attribute Table?

I'm trying to run through the oAuth/REST examples on the Magento website and I'm hitting a snag. I've successfully created a consumer key and a consumer secret, and used these to fetch an ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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Magento 1.7 doesn't return token key

I installed magento 1.7 and test for rest api according to this link. When I request to this http:/...
ZMH's user avatar
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