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How do I check the progress of a reindex with status 'processing'?

I am running the following command php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento indexer:reindex foo When running it on my table, my terminal goes haywire showing the following: Memory used: 706M Memory used: ...
glitchwizard's user avatar
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Table in MySQL to show product data in Magento 2 after reindexing process

I want to know about those MYSQL tables which is used to fetch data for Front-end Products in Magento 2 after re-indexing process. Like which table will be used after re-indexing process to show ...
Prits's user avatar
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Magento 2 Down: replica Tales not found when reindexing!

My server went down because the disk was full, after fixing it, I noticed that the magento 2 website never came back: (Magento 2.2.4, PHP 7.0.30) When re-indexing, i get the following error: ...
Mariam Ghalleb's user avatar
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Is it safe to truncate the catalogindex_* tables?

My Magento installation (1.4.1) contains the following tables: catalogindex_price catalogindex_minimal_price catalogindex_eav catalogindex_aggregation catalogindex_aggregation_tag ...
workflow's user avatar
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Which database tables can be completely rebuilt via Magento's Reindex All command?

Which tables in Magento could be truncated and completely repopulated using a "reindex all" command? The reason I ask is that I've been working on a daily automation task that prepares "development-...
STW's user avatar
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