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How to add SKU in the attribute list in the More Information tab of the product view page?

I have added the following code to catalog_product_view.xml to show the SKU in the list of attributes inside the "More information" tab <referenceBlock name=""> <...
Max's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Product title h1

How can i add a custom attribute to the product view h1 title? I have created a new module with your files and this files: /app/code/ELLA/Producttitle/etc/frontend/routes.xml <config xmlns:xsi=...
Thomas Schlosser's user avatar
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How to add custom message to certain products on both checkout and product page? [closed]

I'm trying to create a custom message appear for certain products that are flagged as so from the admin panel. These products will create a message on both the checkout and product page. For example ...
Gen's user avatar
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How do you display product in colorbox lightbox in magento 1.9 custom theme

I have successfully managed to get the colorbox pop up window to display on page. However beyond that I am not getting much success in displaying the product - At best I get the entire webpage loading ...
Eze's user avatar
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Add a field under product name

I want to add a field in back-end that when I set it, will show in front-end in product page under product name, like picture. I define new attribute but in front-end it will show in a table that is ...
Elham Gdz's user avatar
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[solved]get Product ID and URL from Product page as PHP variable

On the product page, I want to read the Product URL ( and put it as string in a PHP variable like $myProductURL. I also want do to this with the ID of ...'s user avatar
0 votes
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Trying to display the 'country_of_manufacture' attribute on product view with extra html if value exists. Why does this code not work?

This is the php code I wrote for our product view page. It should only show on the front end if the variable has a value. yet the html still shows even if the product does not have the variable ...
Legendary_Fish's user avatar
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Hide Price and Add To Cart button based on product attribute

I have two types of products (Product Type A (available for sale) and Product Type B (not available for sale)) and I created an attribute for each to differentiate. I am trying to write a conditional ...
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