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2 answers

Magento 2 Gallery.js fotorama js

there is a function returnCurrentImages in gallery.js file returnCurrentImages: function () { var images = []; _.each(, function (...
Niraj Patel's user avatar
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Fotorama - how to show both, dots navigation and thumbs navigation

Is it possible to show both, dots navigation and thumbs navigation in product page? Like in picture. Thank You.
John's user avatar
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Magento 2 open fullscreen/lightbox view when clicking on product thumbnails

I'm attempting to make it so that if I click on one of the thumbnails in the carousel it opens the fullscreen mode rather than the customer having to click twice to first get the image onto the stage/...
joeybab3's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to change fotorama nav shaft thumbnail image size - for grouped products?

I need to change the size of the small images below the gallery, but only for products of type grouped Normaly you can change the size in the file THEME/etc/view.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?...
Black's user avatar
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Fotorama zoom_in and zoom_out buttons are not working in Magento 2.3.6

The zoom_in and zoom_out buttons are not working in the product pop-up gallery, however, while clicking the image, the image gets zoomed on the first double click and gets zoomed out on the second ...
Reshad Zazai's user avatar
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Magento 2 - Fotorama Gallery Nav shaft is missing on product page

If you add multiple images to a product then they are showing below the base image in small boxes, see screenshot below (bottom corner - left): This box is missing. First I thought it is because some ...
Black's user avatar
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Issue With Displaying Gallery Widget

I am trying to add images product gallery to my custom widget using Fotorama. What it should look like: So I tried to initialize the gallery widget using the js script. Based on the info I got from ...
Magento_learner's user avatar
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How to make product gallery thumbs over the image in Magento 2? Like in this example

I am able to do it vertically but how can I get it over the image? Magento 2.3.4 Thanks.
Aleksey's user avatar
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Product Page Gallery "TypeError: settings.$elementF.fotorama is not a function"

Please can anyone assist, it is driving me crazy. There are quite a few answers on here regarding this, however none have them have worked. Here is my requirejs-config.js file: var config = { ...
Steven Hardy's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Magento 2 how to listen to event fotorama fullscreenenter

I am not able to listen to event fotorama:fullscreenenter what I've tried: <script type="text/javascript"> require(['jquery', 'mage/gallery/gallery'], function($, gallery){ $('[...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
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Magento 2 - mouseup/mousedown event not fire on fotorama

In Magento 2, mouseup / mousedown event not fire on fotorama gallery. Does have any idea about this?
Dhaduk Mitesh's user avatar
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Fotorama Responsive Breakpoint

I am having issues with getting fotorama responsive, the breakpoint for a resize is not being actioned. Below is my process of getting this to work: I changed my themes breakpoint for screen_m via ...
SamK's user avatar
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2 answers

Change Product Page Fotorama On Element Click

I'm trying to change to a specific image in the product gallery when the user clicks a button to customize their item. So far I have the following code: require( ['jquery', 'jquery/ui', 'mage/...
C Prince's user avatar
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Magento 2: Problems Extending Product Image Gallery

I'm trying to change the image gallery so that it doesn't display the product name as a default image caption. After tracing through the code I found the getGalleryImagesJson method of the Magento\...
Mageician's user avatar
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Magento 2 Product: programmatically 'click' thumbnail

Is it possible to programmatically 'click' a thumbnail in the fotorama gallery on a product page to switch to that image? I'm trying to change the product image based on selected custom attributes ...
Mageician's user avatar
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Magento 2 product gallery doesn't close on iPhone

I'm using Magento 2.2.1, with a theme that has magento blank theme as parent. I'm having a problem on iPhone 6, but not on Windows mobile or Android. Basically when I go on the product page, and open ...
alexcr's user avatar
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