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Magento 2: How to Show different quantity for specific product type in product grid?

I have a custom table for specific product type to store the product qty, the query to select the qty is like this for example: SELECT a.qty FROM custom_product_table WHERE product_id = 1; i noticed ...
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Magento 1.9 join table issue

I'm having an issue with Magento trying to make a join on my collection, here's the problem: Actually I've got a custom table named product_banner which I'm getting by: $collection = Mage::...
Pedro de Albuquerque's user avatar
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Joining two collection / tables

I have situation I want to join two tables having some data related to orders.One table contain order id as increment_id and other table contain order id as order_id.I am joining the tables through ...
Vivek Khandelwal's user avatar