Your example does not take the value for "use config" into account.
Let's have a look at how addInStockFilterToCollection
public function addInStockFilterToCollection($collection)
return $this;
OK, it's delegating to another method:
public function setInStockFilterToCollection($collection)
$manageStock = Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item::XML_PATH_MANAGE_STOCK);
$cond = array(
'{{table}}.use_config_manage_stock = 0 AND {{table}}.manage_stock=1 AND {{table}}.is_in_stock=1',
'{{table}}.use_config_manage_stock = 0 AND {{table}}.manage_stock=0',
if ($manageStock) {
$cond[] = '{{table}}.use_config_manage_stock = 1 AND {{table}}.is_in_stock=1';
} else {
$cond[] = '{{table}}.use_config_manage_stock = 1';
'(' . join(') OR (', $cond) . ')'
return $this;
This joins the inventory table with the following conditions:
Product does not use global configuration AND has "manage stock" set to "yes" AND is in stock
Product does not use global configuration AND has "manage stock" set to "no"
- Product uses global configuration AND if the global configuration is "manage stock = yes", is in stock
You need to invert the conditions as follows:
Product does not use global configuration AND has "manage stock" set to "yes" AND is not in stock
Product uses global configuration AND global configuration is "manage stock = yes" AND is not in stock
Explanation: You take only the conditions where in_stock is actually checked and change the comparison to 0. The conditions where in_stock is not checked ("manage stock" = "no") mean that the product is always in stock, regardless of the stock status, so we don't include them in our "out of stock" query.
Then this is your code:
public function setOutOfStockFilterToCollection($collection)
$manageStock = Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item::XML_PATH_MANAGE_STOCK);
$cond = array(
'{{table}}.use_config_manage_stock = 0 AND {{table}}.manage_stock=1 AND {{table}}.is_in_stock=0'
if ($manageStock) {
$cond[] = '{{table}}.use_config_manage_stock = 1 AND {{table}}.is_in_stock=0';
'(' . join(') OR (', $cond) . ')'
return $this;