I am using AWS RDS Read Replica. It constantly has issues with Magento's Memory engine tables. For backup and read replicas RDS loves InnoDB. Can I safely change all tables to InnoDB?
In addition I get the following warning from AWS:
DB Instance magento-monin-prod-db contains MyISAM tables that have not been migrated to InnoDB. These tables can impact your ability to perform point-in-time restores. Consider converting these tables to InnoDB. Please refer to http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Appendix.MySQL.CommonDBATasks.html#MySQL.CommonDBATasks.Tables
Plausible Answer
Still interested in feedback. I will add this as an answer if I don't find any issues within the next 24 hours. The steps I took below appear to be safe, so far. My biggest concern was Magento's Memory Engine tables (tables ending in_tmp) and the impact it might have on indexing.
Here is what I did:
- For me this returned mostly temporary index tables and magento module tables, so not a lot of critical core tables to be concerned about and few enough tables that I can easily execute another alter table if stuff hits the fan.
For each table returned I executed:
Alter table {table-name} ENGINE=InnoDB;
I'd be nervous to try this if none of your tables are InnoDB. But, as I said before, there were only a few core tables on my instance that needed to be modified.