I have a CE Magento 1.9 application that is using a custom theme from Trego and a checkout extension from Webtex. The application was functioning but then after installing the checkout extension, I got the following error when loading the home page:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Webtex_OnePageCheckout_Helper_Data::isOnepageCheckoutEnabled() in C:\Sites\mycompany\app\code\community\Trego\OnepageCheckout\Block\Links.php on line 6

Line 6 is as follows:

if ($this->helper('onepagecheckout')->isOnepageCheckoutEnabled()) 

Here's the relevant file, \OnepageCheckout\Block\Links.php:

class Trego_OnepageCheckout_Block_Links extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Links
    public function addCheckoutLink()
        if ($this->helper('onepagecheckout')->isOnepageCheckoutEnabled()) 
            $parent = $this->getParentBlock();
            if ($parent)
                $parent->addLink($this->helper('onepagecheckout')->__('Checkout'), 'onepagecheckout', $this->helper('onepagecheckout')->__('Checkout'), true, array('_secure'=> true), 60, null, 'class="top-link-checkout"');

            return $this;
            return parent::addCheckoutLink();

My question: Why is the application referencing the Webtex_OnePageCheckout_Helper_Data class instead of the Trego_OnepageCheckout_Block_Links class for the isOnepageCheckoutEnabled() method?

Helper snippet from local/Webtex/OnePageCheckout/etc/config.xml:


Helper snippet from community/Trego/OnepageCheckout/etc/config.xml:

  • check the helper declaration in config.xml Commented Jul 19, 2015 at 5:12
  • @saravanavelu - thanks. I've added helper declarations from the theme and the checkout extension to the question. What's the best way to make the two modules function in harmony since they are sharing the <onepagecheckout> xml tag?
    – Vee
    Commented Jul 19, 2015 at 5:31