i'm trying to get the base URL within Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Processor (line 206)-- however, i'm running into the above error. Any work around that doesn't involve hardcoding the url directly?

$homepage = Mage::getBaseUrl();

above is what is causing the error.

2 Answers 2


Whilst I've not tried accessing getBaseUrl() - remember that FPC only instantiates a minimum amount of models (that's where the performance advantage comes from). You can't access the entire Magento god class from an FPC instantiated model.

  • so I'd essentially have to hardcore our base URL then, right? Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 18:02

First of all, you should look at getBaseUrl() definition which in app\Mage.php.

public static function getBaseUrl($type = Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_LINK, $secure = null)
        return self::app()->getStore()->getBaseUrl($type, $secure);

That means it returns site URL of your site. So first thing that you should check is whether base URL is set in backend ( Admin > System > Configuration > WebSite > Secure/Unsecure -> Base url )

And then follow this link. Amit has explained it very well.

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