I am creating module and I have added button to my module configuration section which have to call one of my methods.
So when I click button, it should call controller for example: localhost/index.php/admin/framexport
in config.xml, after i added:
<namespace_mymodule before="Mage_Adminhtml">Namespace_Mymodule</namespace_mymodule>
I created at Namespace/Mymodule/controllers/FramexportController.php with code:
class Namespace_Mymodule_FramexportController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
Mage::log("TEST", null, 'test.log');
when I try to go "localhost/index.php/admin/framexport/" or "localhost/index.php/admin/framexport/index/" it redirects me to dashboard and indexAction() is not called - no logfile created.
What am I missing or maybe I misunderstanded some part of code?