I try to show Product-Attributes on the Grid-View (catalog(products/list.phtml).
At app/code/coreMage/Catalog/Block/Product/List.php I found this
public function addAttribute($code)
return $this;
At my catalog.xml (theme/layout/catalog.xml) I add the following "addAttribute in my block
<catalog_category_default translate="label">
<label>Catalog Category (Non-Anchor)</label>
<reference name="left">
<block type="catalog/navigation" name="catalog.leftnav" after="currency" template="catalog/navigation/left.phtml"/>
<reference name="content">
<block type="catalog/category_view" name="category.products" template="catalog/category/view.phtml">
<block type="catalog/product_list" name="product_list" template="catalog/product/list.phtml">
<action method="addAttribute"><attribute>Manufacturer</attribute></action>
At my PHTML-Template, I try to show the Manufacturer like this:
<?php echo $_product->getAttributeText('manufacturer') ?>
But it doesen't work. I don't know why. I found the tutorial via Google and I'm sure that I 've done it right. I work with Magento Enterprise 1.13. Where is my fault? Thanks for your help.