I currently have a logs table which has the following rows which use the same order_id:

log_id order_id user action
2410 1001318004 test1 Declined
2409 1001318004 test1 Declined

Inside my app/code/Vendor/Module/Model/ResourceModel/OrderTable/Collection.php class file I have the following method to set the collection results:

protected function _initSelect()
        $this->getSelect()->from(['main_table' => $this->getMainTable()]);

                ['logs' => $this->getTable('logs')],
                'main_table.increment_id = logs.order_id',
                ['*','customer_name'=>'CONCAT_WS(" ",main_table.customer_firstname,main_table.customer_lastname)']

        return $this->filterOrders();

where main_table references the sales_order table.

but when I view the results in the admin I get the following error:

Item (Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\Document) with the same ID "1557472" already exists.

The 1557472 refers to the entity ID matching the order for the 1001318004 increment ID.

What I'm looking for, is a way to only get the latest row if there are duplicates in the results.

Cheers guys

  • If this one is your log table 'innox_prescriber_logs' then try like this " main_table.increment_id = innox_prescriber_logs.order_id ". and let me know it is working or not Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 17:03
  • Hi Viru, sorry about that, just realised that was the incorrect code I previously had in there, but I have updated it now so could you please take another look if you wouldn't mind?
    – SNAFU
    Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 17:07
  • can you print your query which is created collection and check what is your query. use this to print query magento.stackexchange.com/questions/166536/… Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 17:13
  • Okey dokey, here is the output from the select query: "SELECT `main_table`.*, `logs`.*, CONCAT_WS(" ",main_table.customer_firstname,main_table.customer_lastname) AS `customer_name` FROM `sales_order` AS `main_table` LEFT JOIN `logs` ON main_table.increment_id = logs.order_id" but what I need, is for it to return only the latest rows for duplicate entries.
    – SNAFU
    Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 17:28
  • you can use for return only $this or $this->getSelect() and check. Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 17:34

1 Answer 1


Ok, so after a long time of troubleshooting this, I have finally resolved it. So here is the solution for anyone else who encounters a similar problem.

The initial method:

protected function _initSelect()
        $this->getSelect()->from(['main_table' => $this->getMainTable()]);

                ['logs' => $this->getTable('logs')],
                'main_table.increment_id = logs.order_id',
                ['*','customer_name'=>'CONCAT_WS(" ",main_table.customer_firstname,main_table.customer_lastname)']

        return $this->filterOrders();

the new method:

protected function _initSelect()
        $this->getSelect()->from(['main_table' => $this->getMainTable()]);

        $connection = $this->getConnection();

        // first we create a query which gets the max value for the row id, and then groups the results on order_id 
        $groupedResults = $connection->select();
            ->from(['logs_grouped' => 'logs'])
                    'max_id' => new \Zend_Db_Expr("max(`logs_grouped`.`log_id`)"),

        // we create another query which will match the row id values, with the max id values from our grouped set, giving us the latest entries from the duplicates
        $logs = $connection->select();
            ->from(['logs' => 'logs'])
                ['logs_grouped' => $groupedResults],
                'logs.log_id = logs_grouped.max_id'

        // finally, we left join our new $logs table to the main table (in this case the sales_order table)
                ['logs' => $logs],
                'main_table.increment_id = logs.order_id',
                ['*','customer_name'=>'CONCAT_WS(" ",main_table.customer_firstname,main_table.customer_lastname)']

        return $this;

so instead of:

log_id order_id user action
2410 1001318004 test1 Declined
2409 1001318004 test1 Declined

we now get:

log_id order_id user action
2410 1001318004 test1 Declined

giving us the row with the latest id :)

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