I have a variable $ customerProductPrices that contains data like this. enter image description here

How to format data (price, special_price, price_value, special_price_value) in a variable That I would get not just a number, but a formatted number with currency. Tentatively, the variable will contain not only 0 arrays, but more

2 Answers 2


as you haven't mentioned where the array variable $_customerProductPrices is from, whether its from a Block or from a ViewModel or in a template (.phtml file). As well as its also not mentioned how do you get this , whether through a repository method or from a collection or any other approach

Quick but Ugly

lets assume that its in a template file

in this case, loop through your array and get the variable formatted through this simple helper method

$priceFormatted = $this->helper('Magento\Framework\Pricing\Helper\Data')->currency(number_format($_customerProductPrices[$keyindex]['price'], 2), true, false);

Better Approach

Inside your class where you get this variable, inject the interface Magento/Framework/Pricing/PriceCurrencyInterface and make use of the methods format or convertAndFormat

public function format(
        $includeContainer = true,
        $precision = self::DEFAULT_PRECISION,
        $scope = null,
        $currency = null

    public function convertAndFormat(
        $includeContainer = true,
        $precision = self::DEFAULT_PRECISION,
        $scope = null,
        $currency = null

These are the methods implemented by **Magento\Directory\Model\PriceCurrency**

you can also inject this class in your module class (Block / ViewModel) and make use of the format and convert methods in that concrete class

check the source here


You could try using what the classvendor/magento/module-directory/Model/PriceCurrency.php has to offer with its format() method. Check how this is used inside vendor/magento/module-customer-balance/Block/Adminhtml/Sales/Order/Create/Payment.php class.

  • What is the difference between convertAndFormat & format ?
    – devhs
    Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 5:51

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