am trying to create an admin user from the CLI while running the commands I get the following error:-

# php bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user=pramod --admin-password=pramod@123 [email protected] --admin-firstname=pramod --admin-lastname=mishra

In AdminAccount.php line 262:

No Administrators role was found, data fixture needs to be run

No Administrators role was found, data fixture needs to be run

How to fix it? Any idea thanks


I have a new error now while logging in to admin.

More permissions are needed to access this.


4 Answers 4


The error is caused because your database isn't complete, I had the same issue by creating a DB dump via Magerun 2 using the param --strip=@development.

Your authorization_role and authorization_role database tables are probably empty.

How to fix

Create a authorized admin role and rule.

INSERT INTO authorization_role (role_id, parent_id, tree_level, sort_order, role_type, user_id, user_type, role_name) VALUES (1, 0, 1, 1, 'G', 0, '2', 'Administrators');
INSERT INTO authorization_rule (rule_id, role_id, resource_id, privileges, permission) VALUES (1, 1, 'Magento_Backend::all', null, 'allow');

And delete all your previous admin users in your local environment.

DELETE FROM admin_user;

For creating a new administrator account for Magento 2 we use the Magento CLI. Hope this helpful for you.

  1. Login into your Magento 2 Server with SSH

    ssh your-username@$your-server-ip

  2. Navigate to the Magento 2 directory e.g.

/home/cloudpanel/htdocs/magento2.com/ 3) Execute the following command in order to create a new administrator with username "new-admin" and password "!admin123!"

php bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user='new-admin' --admin-password='!admin123!' --admin-email='[email protected]' --admin-firstname='Jon' --admin-lastname='Doe'

Once the new Magento 2 administrator account has been created, you will see the following success message:

Created Magento administrator user named new-admin

Parameter explanation
Name    Value
--admin-user    Magento administrator user name
--admin-password    Magento administrator user password
--admin-email   Magento administrator user's e-mail address
--admin-firstname   Magento administrator user's first name
--admin-lastname    Magento administrator user's last name

To see all available options you can execute the following command

php bin/magento admin:user:create --help

For The role

INSERT INTO authorization_role (role_id, parent_id, tree_level, sort_order, role_type, user_id, user_type, role_name) VALUES (1, 0, 1, 1, 'G', 0, '2', 'Administrators');

For me the problem was that the Admin role in the table was set to "Administrator" instead of "Administrators".

So I changed it directly in the database and now it works.


INSERT INTO authorization_role (role_id, parent_id, tree_level, sort_order, role_type, user_id, user_type, role_name) VALUES (1, 0, 1, 1, 'G', 0, '2', 'Administrator');

this will work

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