So I know that the subject of getting a custom product attribute into the a quote item has been covered many times, and I've had that working fine previously.
What I'm trying to achieve here though is to get a custom value (something out of the session) stored against a quote item. I've created the extra column in the 'sales_flat_quote_item' table (which is vrm_data). What I've got in terms of code is below;
config.xml excerpt;
<vrm_data />
I'm not entirely sure that I need the sales>quote>item stuff as this isn't a product attribute I'm dealing with.
In my Observer.php;
public function saveVrm($observer)
// Save the VRM data against the Quote
$session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session');
$quoteItem = $observer->getQuoteItem();
I can see using debugging that the session var has the correct value, and then the $quoteItem has the correct value, but I'm never actually seeing it appear in the 'sales_flat_quote_item' table.
As usual with stuff like this, it could be something simple I'm doing/not doing....annoyingly this was working fine with the 'sales_flat_quote' table (albeit with a slightly different observer code, obviously).
? Edit: Nevermind, it's an observer, the data should be passed over by reference.