I have an URL from which I would like to get the categories. I have this: /hats/trucker-hats/hat1.html/ which is a product detail page.

I need to retrieve the categories, which are "hats" and "trucker-hats". I tried using $product->getCategoryIds() and looked through the IDs, the categories are there, but never at the same index, is there a way to retrieve these?


  • what do you mean by "never at the same index" ?
    – Alex
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 8:32
  • When I look at the array of category ids from page to page, I find the same ids, but they don't always have the same index in the array Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 14:13

2 Answers 2


You can get categories from the breadcrumbs

$title = array();
$path  = Mage::helper('catalog')->getBreadcrumbPath();
foreach ($path as $breadcrumb) {
    $title[] = $breadcrumb['label'];

To get a consistent ordering you can use asort().

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