I want to get parameters from my page to the second. My values are submitted in the first page, but I can't achieve to get data on my second page (where I want to display theses data). I'm trying this from one controller to another.
Here's history.php (first controller)
public function execute()
if ('POST' == $this->getRequest()->getMethod()) {
$detailCommande = $this->getRequest()->getPost('detailCommande');
// var_dump($detailCommande);
if ($detailCommande != '') {
$this->_redirect('recapitulatif/order/recapitulatif', array('_secured' => true, 'detailCommande' => $detailCommande));
/** @var \Magento\Framework\View\Result\Page $resultPage */
$resultPage = $this->resultPageFactory->create();
$resultPage->getConfig()->getTitle()->set(__('My Orders'));
$block = $resultPage->getLayout()->getBlock('customer.account.link.back');
if ($block) {
return $resultPage;
The second controller (where I want to display)
public function execute() {
$post = $this->getRequest()->getPostValue();
echo "<pre>";
I have 2 more questions, is that possible pass an array as data in magento (data = my $_POST values) ? and is it possible to hide parameters in the url during a post request ?
Thanks !