Is there an event for the checkout when you choose the payment method?
So when the site where you choose the payment method is called I want the event to trigger.
Is there an event for the checkout when you choose the payment method?
So when the site where you choose the payment method is called I want the event to trigger.
require 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/quote';
quote.paymentMethod.subscribe(function(){console.log('test')}, null, 'change');
You will find plenty of observe there
var billingAddress = ko.observable(null);
var shippingAddress = ko.observable(null);
var shippingMethod = ko.observable(null);
var paymentMethod = ko.observable(null);
var totals = ko.observable(totalsData);
var collectedTotals = ko.observable({})
if you want to check the payment method inside a function, you can use first argument, like:
quote.paymentMethod.subscribe(function(method){console.log(method);}, null, 'change')