I'm using Ubuntu with Magento 2.2 installed locally for development.
I'm updating my LESS, but it's just not compiling for some reason.
I have all caching turned off in Cache Management, and I run magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
after any LESS modifications, but it's still not compiling and showing my changes. I just changed a css padding value from 10 to 11 to test, and it's still set to 10.
I also have caching turned off in my browser, too. And I've ran rm -rf var/view_processed
then static content deploy, but that didn't work either.
Also, My Workflow Type is set to Server side less compilation, and the local install of Magento 2 is set to Developer Mode.
So I'm at a loss for what to do to get my LESS to compile into CSS. It's just not doing it for some reason.
Any ideas?
Thank you.