Every time we need to verify the order after order placed by the customer. Our sales represent verify same order again and again. so that is possible can I add the custom field to the sales order like verify. How can i do it?
2 Answers
You can add order status "Verified" and once it is verified by you customer representative changed that order status.
Magento 1.x:
in admin menu
System->Order Statuses
Magento 2
Store->Settings->Order Status
Nope, in admin menu Under System->Order Statuses add order status : prnt.sc/hzbz1l ( like in screen shot ) Commented Jan 12, 2018 at 7:19
Once you add order status, ( prnt.sc/hzbz1l) this will show in drop down where you are pointing ( snag.gy/aClm3T.jpg ) Commented Jan 12, 2018 at 7:21
You can use sales_order_place_after
event in magento
if you dont know how to use event you can refer to this post
and use your table via magento model and do whatever operation you want to do
$model = Mage::getModel('modelAlaias/modelPath');
and use your $model