I am trying to migrate a store from to Magento 2.2 using the Magento data migration tool but unfortunately when running the tool the error appears

[PDOException] SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'default' for key 'STORE_GROUP_CODE'

As I understand

STORE_GROUP_CODE is a new column added in Magento 2.2 It is generated from column STORE_GROUP_NAME which in Magento 2.X is found in table STORE_GROUP

In Magento column STORE_GROUP_NAME is located with table CORE_STORE_GROUP

from within the Magento database

enter image description here

so migration is failing because of the duplicate entries.

The default Value for website_id 0 (admin) should be 'default' The default value for website id 1 (base) should be 'Main Website Store'

Unfortunately, both my store_group_names are the default.

As an experiment I change Store_Group_Name for website 1 (base) to 'Main Website Store' and data migration ran no problems.

Everything worked until I reindex the result was

Frontend: When viewing the store (on a clean luma 2.2 installations) the add to cart buttons are missing Backend: All products show in list view but if you click one product it loads with the error: Unable to unserialize value

Does anyone know how I can change the Store_Group_Name website id 1 (base) without breaking the database

2 Answers 2


Magento 2 has new field 'code' in store_group table and it is automatically created from magento 1 store name.So it seems you have a duplicate store name in magento 1

First try to make the store name unique in magento 1 from system > Manage stores and then run migration setting command.


solution was just to change store name in magento admin of then export

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