I have created extension in Magento 2 and i want to call index.phtml file from static block (from admin panel). Module structure
how can i call?
{{block class="<vendor_name>\<module_name>\Block\<module_name>" name="<your_block_name>" template="<vendor_name>_<module_name>::<template_directory>/filename.phtml"}}
In your case it is look like
{{block class="Ashore\Faq\Block\Faq\Index" name="Faq" template="Ashore_Faq::faq/index.phtml"}}
You can Use this to call template file in static block
{{block class="Block Name" template="PackageName_ ModuleName::phtml file name"}}
You can call your .phtml file in CMS page like below
{{block class="Ashore\Faq\Block\Faq\Index" name="faq" template="Ashore_Faq::faq/index.phtml"}}