I have tried to install wyomind google shopping and have the following error when running bin/magento setup:upgrade.
Unable to retrieve deployment version of static files from the file system.
Cannot read contents from file "/var/www/vanillamage2/public_html/pub/stati
c/deployed_version.txt" Warning!file_get_contents(/var/www/vanillamage2/pub
lic_html/pub/static/deployed_version.txt): failed to open stream: No such f
ile or directory
I have tried this on 2 seperate server and 3 seperate installation of Magento 2.1.7 however recieve the same issue each time. I have seen similar issues here:
So have tried many solutions mentioned here including redeploying static files , resetting permissions, removing static content, placing empty deployment_version.txt ect but without any luck. I have even set that file to 777 and has correct owner and am pretty sure that is not the issue as my solutions below wouldn't change the permissions of this file.
There are only 2 ways I can get the setup:upgrade to run.
- Disabling the plugin.
- Rename app/code/Wyomind/SimpleGoogleShopping/Setup/UpgradeData.php to UpgradeData.bak
Doing either of these allow 'setup:upgrade' to run however Wyomind are suggesting this is a problem on my side and not their plugin and so are unwilling to help.
Is there anything anyone can suggest that may be causing this issue?