I'm doing some database scripting and found that catalog_product_entity does not contain a store_id column, although other associated tables such as catalog_product_entity_varchar do.

My understanding is that products are not shared across stores, so the product itself should be joinable to core_store. Which tables and columns are used to enforce this relationship?

1 Answer 1


A product is associated to a website via catalog_product_website.

A product has a lot of attributes (which are extendable) and can have different scopes, which means you can have different values for the different websites/storeviews.

There are a few attributes for a product which are static and therefore in global scope, this means they are a column in catalog_product_entity and the same for all scopes (storeviews/websites). e.g. sku.

That said to answer the question: There is no table or relationship which is used for a direct connection between a product and a store.

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