I have a custom form in admin.

And this is one of my form field

        [   'name' => 'price_coefficient', 
            'label' => __('Price Coefficient'), 
            'title' => __('Price Coefficient'),
            'validation' => ['validate-price-coefficient' => true],
            'note' => 'Absolute figure (+8,-3), percentage (+15%, -20%) or Currency rate (1.44)'

Now I want to add validation to this field with below regular expression.


How this can be done in Magento 2?

1 Answer 1


Add a custom class validate-my-value to your field and then add below script to your form.

<script type="text/javascript">
], function($){ 
        'validate-my-value', function (value) { 
            return value.match(/^[+-]?\d+[.]?\d*[%]?$/g);
         }, $.mage.__('Enter Valid Value')

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