I want show first layer navigation then product list how i make this

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2 Answers 2


Try this,

.catalog-category-view .main.container {display: flex;flex-direction: column;}
    .catalog-category-view .col-main {order: 2 !important;}
    .catalog-category-view .col-left {order: 1 !important;}

I also face same problem so i fix in this way only use media query only for mobile or your device where ever you want

  • This will work with out change layout files
    – Magento 2
    Commented Nov 26, 2016 at 13:23

in your theme catalog.xml file is responsible for this.

1) go to app/design/frontend/YourPackage/YourTheme/layout/catalog.xml

2) find catalog_category_layered handler.in that file below code responsible for adding in left side

    <reference name="left">
        <block type="catalog/layer_view" name="catalog.leftnav" after="currency" template="catalog/layer/view.phtml"/>

3) replace above code with below

    <reference name="content">
        <block type="catalog/layer_view" name="catalog.leftnav" after="currency" template="catalog/layer/view.phtml"/>

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